Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Natural Skin Care - Anti-Aging Friendly Foods

These items can aid you in your natural skin care regimen. Those seven foods are:
Pomegranates soften skin - the vitamin C helps to protect against the wrinkling effects of the sun - the juice in pomegranate seeds contains both ellagic acid and punicalagin that protect by fighting damage from free radicals and may increase the body's capacity to preserve collagen, which is the connective tissue that helps the skin look smooth and plump. Blueberries help to smooth fine lines in your skin. The antioxidants in this tiny berry are higher than almost any other food you can eat. Just ? cup a day will help prevent the loss of firmness, fine lines and wrinkles. Kale and spinach are best for firming of the skin. These two veggies contain more of those great antioxidants that your body needs to fight all kinds of cell damage. Spinach is full of beta-carotene and lutein. These are two nutrients that have been shown to improve skin elasticity, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. Three cups a week is recommended of either or both combined. Cold water fish are said to be best for reducing redness. Sardines, salmon, and mackerel contain vital omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients strengthen skin-cell membranes and help hold moisture in. Consuming two servings of fish a week is recommended. This can reduce chronic skin inflammations, such as eczema and psoriasis. A word of caution here: it is not recommended to consume more than six 6-ounce portions per week to avoid mercury contamination. Green Tea is recommended to reduce or diminish brown spots. More antioxidants are responsible for preventing sun damage and can reverse the signs of aging. At least one cup per day is recommended especially if you'd like to see an improvement in as little as one month. Watermelon - It is recommended that you eat one to two cups per week for a dewy complexion. Vitamin C plus lycopene and potassium are responsible for balancing the water and nutrients in the cells. Olive Oil gives you a healthy glow. Olive oil has long been known to be a healthy fat, providing omega 3 essential fatty acids. These are heart healthy fats that improve circulation and leave skin rosy and supply. The recommended daily requirement is one tablespoon per day.

A diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies will also naturally benefit your body and overall general health. Great natural anti-aging skin care and good health...sounds like a win - win situation to me.

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