Monday, November 22, 2010

How long are your products good for?

How long are your products good for? 

Do you have a drawer full of old lotions and makeup and are wondering if they are still any good to use on your skin?  Most of us do – and here’s the lowdown on what to keep and what to toss.

First of all, use common sense – if you have had something hanging around for more than 5 years, or if it is covered with a layer of slime or has seriously discolored – it’s time to go in the garbage!  Some products do discolor slightly as they oxidize but if your product has changed color significantly or starts to smell quite different or moldy – toss it!  Be sure to store all of your products in a cool, dry place.  Do not keep your products in your bathroom where they can be affected by the steam and heat – a drawer in your bedroom is a great choice.  Watch for any expiry dates stamped on the bottom or neck of the product – most products with sunscreen will have this. And if you dip your fingers into your lotions or makeup to apply it – you may want to invest in a new product sooner as bacteria can build up in the products.

Unopened lotions will usually last a good 2-3 years and opened products will generally last about 6 months to a year.  Any lotions with sunscreen or active ingredients will start to become a bit less effective after being opened for 6 months or so.   Cleansers and Exfoliant products generally follow the same timelines. 

The same goes for makeup when it comes to an unopened product – but once opened makeup timelines can be quite different.   Foundations and conceallers follow the 6 – 9 month rule once opened.  Powders, eye shadows and blushes are generally fine for about a year or two.  Lipsticks and glosses can last 2-3 years, but watch for texture changes.   Eye liners can last about a year, yet mascara only 3 months!   If you have any eye infections, a cold, or cold sore – throw out your makeup!  You can pass the infection back to yourself!   At the very least – sharpen your eyeliners and lip liners well and wipe off a great deal of the lipstick to get rid of the germs – but still throw out your mascara as it holds in bacteria easier.

Fall is a great time to invest in a new skincare regimen and some new fresh makeup colors, so start fresh with some brand new products!


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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SuperNatural Solutions to Adult Acne & Aging

Skin Care is a Booming $$ Multi-Billion $$ Business because Boomers are Aging Every Day and They Have the Money to Pay for Top Secret Solutions. Offer this E-Book and Receive Super Commissions for Super Conversions.

Check it out!

Facial Gymnastics: Complete Facelift In 7 Days Without Surgery

Stopping The Clock Of Aging And Banishing Wrinkles On The Face Forever Right In Your Living Room.

Check it out!

Skinspiration - Recipes for the whole body

Learn how to make your own chemical free skincare recipes at home. You Can control what you put on your skin. No "hard to get ingredients", everything available from your local supermarket, pharmacy, or health store.

Check it out!

Wrinkle free in 1 night

Please throw away your chemical loaded, ineffective wrinkle products. Youre only 1 day away from refined, wrinkle free skin, I guarantee it! I offer a staggering 51% commission, because you deserve to earn more than me!!!

Check it out!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Raw Foods - the Best Anti-Aging Skin Care

With all of the lotions, remedies, and shots available to reverse aging, there is one anti-aging skin care remedy that is easy to use, less expensive, and very effective: a raw food diet. For those who are new to this thought, this means eating fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, basically. In this article, I will explain some well known and lesser known anti-aging skin care nutrients that can reverse wrinkles, explain which raw foods are highest in these nutrients, and why it's best to get your skin care nutrition from living food.

There are several nutrients that you should have in your anti-aging arsenal: selenium for skin elasticity and tone, vitamin E internally and externally, vitamin C for collagen production, and vitamin A for tissue repair. Although water is not considered a food, good, clean water is most certainly a factor in facilitating youthful skin . Raw food sources for these nutrients and for the ones below can be found in the Chart Directory on my website. Here are several other, lesser known, great anti-aging skin care nutrients:

Vitamin F combats dry skin , is an oil your body needs, and is found in raw foods such as: flax oil, lecithin, and sunflower seeds, to name a few. This skin care nutrient's absorption is inhibited by the modern day diet high in saturated fats.

Potassium promotes youthful skin , and enough good cannot be said about this vital nutrient. Some raw foods that contain potassium are apricots, avocado, bananas, broccoli, cantaloupe, dates, dried fruits, nuts, parsley, peaches, seeds, and spinach. This is one of the most important anti-aging nutrients, and most people only get half or less of what they need!

Vitamin D is essential for healthy skin , mostly absorbed from our exposure to the sun. Shiitake mushrooms is one raw food source, and chlorella contains chlorophyll, which reduces our requirement for D. This is an overlooked anti-aging skin care nutrient, but important since it promotes absorption of other anti-aging nutrients, such as vitamins A and F. Recommended amount of sunlight is 5-10 minutes, 2 or 3 times/week.

Bioflavinoids are anti-aging skin care nutrients that prevent muscle degeneration, and affect the skin ; some raw food sources are: skin and pulp of fruits, apricots, blackberries, cherries, grapefruit, and peppers.

Paba is a skin care remedy that is used externally in reducing wrinkles, but is also beneficial when consumed. Some raw food sources are blackstrap molasses and wheat germ.

Pantothenic acid prevents premature aging and promotes wound healing, and is found in raw foods such as: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, peas, royal jelly,spinach, walnuts, to name a few.

Biotin prevents grayish skin color and promotes cell growth, an integral factor in promoting youthful skin . Some raw food sources are: almonds, bananas, mushrooms, raisins, walnuts.

Vitamin B complex promotes healthy cells and prevents dry or rough skin , it is found in raw foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and green leafy vegetables.

Raw food is the best source for all of these anti-aging skin care nutrients except vitamin D for several reasons. First, I have found that many of the vitamins and minerals needed to help you absorb the nutrients needed to reverse or eliminate the aging of the skin , are already found in fresh raw foods. Secondly, one of the most important ones, potassium, is not in most store bought vitamins, and if it is, only a very small dosage is there. A diet high in raw foods is the only way to go to get your daily needs for potassium! Thirdly, many things we eat actually prevent absorption of these skin care nutrients: salt, sugar, coffee, saturated fats, and laxatives, to name some, and many times are eaten in place of the raw foods, so that the needed nutrients were never gotten in the first place.

In closing, raw foods provide so many wonderful benefits. One of the greatest benefits is healthy, youthful skin , described as "getting the glow", an effect achieved on a raw food diet rather quickly. I encourage you to take control of your health and reverse the aging process by going on raw foods!

Roxanne Vick is a SAHM of nine, and enjoys her good health, her children, and gardening. Visit her website and check out her quite comprehensive chart directory and raw food diet recipe book, and learn how you can take care of your most important asset, your health.

Anti Aging Skin Care Golden Tips For Women

Most women blame genetics when they face facial problems like aging. However, a lot of research have shown that most aging factors are environmental related and some of them are caused by our own lifestyles. This statement gives a chance to all women facing the problem of aging. All you need to do is to keep the following anti aging skin care golden tips in mind all the time.

Anti Aging Skin Care Golden Tips #1 Find Proper Skin Care Products

There are a lot of skin care products on the market and some are specifically for anti aging purposes. The variety had left most people confused on which product to stick with or which to choose in order to start off. You can always get a broad list of skin care product reviews from the Internet. From there, you will know whether a skin care product is suitable for you.

It is not true that the more expensive a product is, the more benefits that it will bring to your skin. Some cheaper and affordable skin care products work like wonders for people with certain skin conditions. Pick up one and try, if it is not fighting off aging very well, change it. Keep this search on until you find a perfect fit for yourself.

Anti Aging Skin Care Golden Tips #2 Hydrate Your Skin

Your skin needs water in order to stay tender. When your skin is hydrated and tender, it will be difficult for wrinkles to form and will definitely reduce the chances of having old spots on your face. Having a dry skin will also put your skin into the risk of being damaged by environmental factors.

To make sure that your skin stays tender and hydrated, you can always apply skin care creams that help to moisturize your skin. Also, the nutritional substances inside the creams will actually make your skin healthier.

Anti Aging Skin Care Golden Tips #3 Clean Your Skin Properly

Most people clean their skin using their hands. However, this is a wrong method and rubbing your skin, especially your face with hands might cause damage to the area. The best and safe way to clean your skin is to use an exfoliating cleanser. Apart from the gentle touch, you will also need to make sure that you have cleaned your whole face, especially the edge of it as any residue being left behind might cause infections.

Want to stop the aging process immediately and repair your current skin condition? Try out the new anti aging skin care [] product by Neutrogena for free today!

Kelly Paisley is a beautician which experience in various health issues and has been associating with various companies of beauty products in order to provide the best deals for her readers to improve their current state of health.

Chocolate Facial Skin Care - Anti Aging and Calorie Free

Merry chocoholic

Just in time for the holidays - Temptation is all around us -While you're busy baking and sampling the many dessert temptations, take time out and save a bit of chocolate for stress- free skin care luxury.

The guilt free way to enjoy the sinfully wickedness of chocolate!

Chocolate is made from the cacao bean. The cocoa bean's fibrous outer coating can be used in anti aging treatments to skin to help break down free radicals.

Health and beauty - high calorie facial

The health properties of cacao are many. Raw cacao (cocoa) powder is now considered one of the most beneficial nutritious super foods today.

Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E which increase blood circulation.

Raw cocoa powder has an antioxidant level that is far greater than green tea, goji berrie, and wild blueberries.

The cocoa bean is also full of magnesium, (your stress protector) which helps to stimulate the body to produce progesterone, a vital hormone that is ideal for tackling hormone or stress-related breakouts.

Holiday "facial dessert" essence

This delicious treatment combines the wicked pleasures of chocolate in a luxe skincare treatment that leaves the complexion revitalized, radiant and refreshed.

Celebrity skin care - Many celebrities are reported to indulge in chocolate facials. Indulge your addiction with this deliciously aromatic chocolate facial mask and feel like a star.

The Authentic Chocolate Facial Recipe:

Credit source -Carole Fogarty-

2 - 5 tablespoons raw cacao (cocoa powder) most good health food stores will sell the powder.

3 tablespoons organic honey (darker honey is better) darker the honey the less water and the higher the antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content. Honey is antibacterial and antifungel which supports the healing process of cuts and wounds.

3 - 5 tablespoons natural organic yoghurt

A splash or two of oatmeal to bind

Mix all ingredients together to form a smooth thick paste and smooth onto face. Relax for ten 10-15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

This chocolate facial mask treatment goes well with a cup of hot chocolate and gourmet chocolates

Hope this proved useful information to include this beneficial fun facial mask. Interested in more Anti-aging skin care information? - Visit-

In the meantime- "Pamper yourself"- Create a more "beautiful you"-The total package!

Interesting Facts About Caviar Skin Care Anti Aging Complex Creams

It is rare to find an anti aging complex that works and does what caviar skin cream can do for you. As with most claims, the questions that come to mind are, "How will my skin handle the intense youthful regeneration and healing process?" Then there are those that think, "If I stop using these great beauty skin care products, Will all the positive, good nutrients and energy to the cells disappear from my skin?

Answering the first question is rather easy. Your skin will welcome the added healing benefits and rejoice in the flood of nutrients. Within just a few hours you will start to feel the difference in your skin. The beauty and skin care that you dream of is a reality with creams containing the ingredient caviar.

The next question is a little more complicated to answer. for example, let us say you use the cream for 6 months. Then all of a sudden you stop using the cream. What would happen? First since your skin had the chance to heal and regenerate for many months, it would be healthy and take the lack of applying the cream very well. Yet overtime, your skin will start to become damaged from the elements, stress and age. the skin will again need the caviar cream to help in its ability to regenerate, heal and reach a healthy state.

One that same note if you were to use the cream for just a few days and then stop using it, you will experience a negative effect. You skin will not have enough time to heal. In a very short amount of time, you will notice your skin going back to its original damaged state.

Is caviar creams something that can be used with foundation cosmetics? Yes, the cream will be the first thing to go on your skin and then your foundation cosmetic can go on top. There will be no oily feel to the skin. In that same note there will be no pasty feel. Caviar creams are completely absorbed into the skin. Foundation cosmetics can be applied to the top of the skin without the worry of allergic reactions or the appearance of acne.

Caviar skin care cream should be applied daily and included in your beauty and skin care plan. This will only enhance your approach to a health and youthful looking complexion.

Beauty skin care products are very popular around the world. If you are looking for a solution to your skin care plan, trying to decide what is good for your skin can be a great effort. When choosing a cosmetic for your skin you want something that will keep your skin healthy and youthful looking. If you are lucky enough to find that combination, you will then have to take your search a step further and find something that will work in combination with your foundation cosmetics. Finally you will have to ensure that the cream you do find will not cause allergic reactions or acne. This is a rather large bucket of work to fill.

That is a lot of trouble to go through just to find something that will work well for your skin. But I am going to make the search very easy for you. I am going to let you in on a little secret. Caviar creams and cosmetics will do everything outlines above. How do I know this? I know it because my wife uses it and so does many of her friends. I have seen the results with my own two eyes.

The creams do a wonderful job of removing wrinkles, healing, bringing back a youthful appearance and works well with other cosmetics and makeups.

If you aren't using caviar cosmetics, then once you try them it will be hard to go back to anything else. Caviar skin care products are hard to let go. Just after using it one day or night you will start to see early results. You skin will just feel different in a very good way. After longer use of the cream, your skin will look healthier, less wrinkled, younger and tighter.

Your beauty and skin care will only benefit by using beauty skin care products with caviar. Add caviar beauty skin care products to your anti aging strategy and watch the years fall off. Trust me, after a few days of use and you will understand why so many have added this cream into daily beauty routine.

Nataliya Saborio is a specialist in Russian Cosmetics. Her detailed understanding of anti-aging techniques to prolong the beauty of the skin is well noted. Join her at Professional Beauty Products for more detailed information on how Russian Cosmetics can help you.

Mature Skin Care - 10 Simple Steps to a Complexion to Be Proud of At 60

Any woman can have a lovely complexion at any age. You can't buy it, it's not free but you can find out how to have a perfect skin too. 10 simple steps to getting a complexion that other women would die for. For these 10 simple steps you need only 10 minutes per day. What's important is every day, or do you think that lovely celebrities skip the night cream when its late!

Learn how to put your skin in the best light. Diminish, reduce or get rid of imperfections. Improve, pamper and protect. It's not about how much you spend but what you know about mature skin care, anti aging products and using them to achieve a complexion to be proud of. Here's how...

Deep Cleanse

To remove impurities and dead cells deep cleanse every night. Skin is in repair mode at night and night cream works better on skin without debris. Cleanse in the morning again with a gentle, calming cleanser to prepare skin for make up. Never, never leave your make up on overnight. Think, it could age you one week every time. Cured?


Encourage fresh new skin by exfoliating regularly. Even dry skin will benefit from gentle exfoliating once per week. Skin prone to enlarged pores around mouth and nose will need gently exfoliating 2 or even 3 times per week. Deeply cleansed pores gradually become finer and less noticeable, make up looks smoother. Makes sense doesn't it?

Show Your Skin some Gratitude

Treat your skin to a 15 minute relaxing, rejuvenating mask once per week. It's better if you relax but watching your favorite programme is better than dropping the treatment. A calming mask works wonders for flushed sensitive skin reducing redness and irritation. The results get better every time. To really work on enlarged pores choose a deep cleansing mask and use only on the areas around the nose and mouth. You will soon notice that your make up doesn't settle in the pores like it used to. This kind of mask really works if you use it often enough.


Nourish your skin with anti aging day and night creams or serums for mature skin. These are packed full with anti oxidants, vitamins and ingredients that nudge the collagen production and skin cell renewal into action. The appearance of skin can be improved tremendously by cleansing, exfoliating and then nourishing. When skin cells are fresh, hydrated and invigorated they look firm and supple. Simple isn't it?


Protect your skin especially in winter. When it's cold we always wear gloves to stop our hands getting chapped, red, and rough. What about the skin on our face? Never go out without least a protective layer of moisturizer on your face. You can even consider make up as extra protection for the skin in cold weather. The elements deal harshly with mature skin. If you walk, ride or work outside a lot, choose a heavier cream to protect and avoid thickening of skin and redness.

Moisturize, Moisturize

Skin's suppleness is the result of sufficient moisture inside and out. Try to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It is the least expensive anti aging treatment and good for the whole body too. Coffee and alcohol dehydrate. So try to drink a glass of water instead sometimes. Don't underestimate how crucial this is to mature skin to keep it soft and supple. Use a good anti aging moisturizer in the morning and again during the day when you freshen your make up.

Learn to cheat the tiny lines and wrinkles

Sweep away tiny lines and wrinkles in seconds. This magic comes in a precision applicator to target wrinkles, filling and sealing in moments. It requires a little practice to get it just right and then it lasts all day. A must have for every mature woman. Stunning, simple and need not be expensive. How good does it get?


Weave some magic with under eye concealer even if you think you don't have dark circles. A yellowy based concealer applied lightly under eyes, at the outer corners and inner corners at the side of the nose brightens the whole face. With the right colours and techniques it is possible to successfully cover even the darkest of shadows. Try it and you will be amazed.

Foundation make up

Your very best friend is the right foundation make up, when you find it. Foundation make up for mature skin is available in fluid, cream, mousse and compact forms. Fluid is fine for quick application but usually doesn't offer the coverage that we need. A cream or mousse will cover redness and last longer. Mousse is wonderful because it disguises enlarged pores and tiny wrinkles. It needs a little practice to get right but is worth every moment invested.

Lipstick and Blusher

Youthful sparkle comes from clever choice of lipstick and blusher. Dark lipstick is harsh and makes teeth look less than white. Go for softer pinks with a creamy, moisturized texture. Use a lip brush to trace very slightly outside the natural lip line and add a dab of gloss in the centre of the bottom lip. Then smile and whisk blusher high over your cheeks... perfect.

Your skin will respond with the dewy glow you thought was gone forever. All you have to do is make these steps part of your daily regime like cleaning your teeth.

Stay on the project, be aware of new tips and techniques that could solve your problem. New ideas fit into a ten minute routine in no time! And lastly, paying attention to a balanced diet and a little exercise too, means living our lives longer and lovelier!

Carol Engelmann is 61 years old and she is passionate about anti aging. Her aim is to raise beauty confidence in older women by keeping them up to date on affordable, hi tech, anti aging skin care products and make up techniques

The website is geared to women approaching 60 and over.

Which Skin Care Anti Wrinkle Cream Is The Best

Asking which skin care anti wrinkle cream is the best is a loaded question. The reason is that there are several other factors that are determining the health and beauty of your skin. You can have two identical people with the same skin issues using the best wrinkle creams and will likely see different results. One smokes and the other doesn't. One eats a lot of sugar and sugary foods and the other doesn't. One exercises and the other doesn't. One eats more fresh and raw fruits and vegetables and the other doesn't. You will see huge disparities in the results due to these other factors.

What skin care anti cream you use is not going to matter if you are living a poor lifestyle. For example, aging happens and wrinkles set in when cells decay and die. Increased oxidation speeds up the aging process while the opposite can slow down and perhaps even reverse the aging process. Processed foods contain additives and chemicals that are toxic to your body and speeds up aging. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which slow down and halt the oxidation of cells, thereby halting the aging process. So you could be using all the best wrinkle creams and the finest skin care anti wrinkle cream on the market and won't mean anything until you make any required changes in your lifestyle. I would even go as far to say that living a poor lifestyle will make it impossible for the best wrinkles creams to work their magic on your skin.

What Skin Care Anti Wrinkle Cream Is the Best Of The Wrinkle Creams?

The answer is simple. The wrinkle cream with the most antioxidants and the least amount of chemical additives is the best of the wrinkle creams. A recent study revealed that on average women absorb 5 pounds of toxic chemicals into their body from the skin products they use. As far as I know, the Athena 7 minute lift is the best around. See my review of it on my site. It utilizes natural plant oils rather than chemicals created in a lab.

However, if you are really concerned about wrinkles, you shouldn't be just looking for the best wrinkle creams. Not any skin care anti wrinkle cream will be able to do half the work it is capable of if you are living a poor lifestyle. On the other hand, a health anti aging lifestyle with a good diet, exercise and no smoking can actually reverse the aging process to some extent. You'll be able to put off using skin care anti wrinkle cream for another decade or two.

Jonathan has an eBook on skin care that he would be happy to send you without charge. Just email him at Vist Jonathan's site at Effective Wrinkle Treatment.

Yes, You Too Can Assist the Very Best Skin Care Anti Aging Cream That You Have Found

If you follow a simple daily routine involving a little extra but effective skin care, anti aging becomes extremely easy to achieve.

This extra care is basically used to facilitate the working of the effective skin care anti aging cream or lotion that you are using. It includes easy steps like:

- consuming ample amounts of water
- taking a nutritional diet (which includes high levels of antioxidants- try
- avoiding direct contact with external harmful factors like UV rays coming from the sun, cold weather, wind etc.
- avoiding the contact of the skin with any kind of chemical
- avoiding harsh soaps and cleansers

These simple steps can assist the natural and effective skin care anti aging cream that you are using. The results can thus be achieved not just much earlier but much more effectively too. The real credit however should again go to the natural cream being used.

After all there are such powerful ingredients in it which makes anti aging look extremely easy to achieve. Consider Cynergy TK(TM). It is a wool extract from New Zealand's sheep but has invincible powers of commanding the body to produce two skin proteins - Collagen and Elastin.

These two proteins are responsible for providing a structure to the skin and binding it together. When we age, the production of these two proteins begins to lower down and as a result the skin starts becoming thin, weak and loose.

Eventually this slackness in the skin leads to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles which are one of the most important symptoms of aging skin.

Cynergy TK(TM) works by eliminating the root cause of the problem and making sure that the skin remains smooth, firm and elastic. There is no scope left for these lines and wrinkles to develop and the skin remains even, tight and youthful always. The results are extremely effective and permanent too.

Being natural, there is no question of them causing side effects of any kind. So you get a complete solution in such skin care anti aging creams which contain such wondrous natural substances.

Other such proven natural substances are Phytessence Wakame, Active Manuka Honey, Avocado Oil etc. You can easily check the list of ingredients that a cream contains and determine whether the one you are choosing will really work or not.

Again, following a simple yet effective daily routine as per the steps mentioned before can help this powerful skin care anti aging cream to work even more effectively. For more information on achieving anti aging in a healthy and natural manner, visit my website listed below.

Frank Langella is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. He shares his research on his website - Total Skin Solution. If you want to know how to turn back the clock for your skin, visit - and learn about the skin care line our editors personally use and recommend.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Natural Skin Care - Anti-Aging Friendly Foods

These items can aid you in your natural skin care regimen. Those seven foods are:
Pomegranates soften skin - the vitamin C helps to protect against the wrinkling effects of the sun - the juice in pomegranate seeds contains both ellagic acid and punicalagin that protect by fighting damage from free radicals and may increase the body's capacity to preserve collagen, which is the connective tissue that helps the skin look smooth and plump. Blueberries help to smooth fine lines in your skin. The antioxidants in this tiny berry are higher than almost any other food you can eat. Just ? cup a day will help prevent the loss of firmness, fine lines and wrinkles. Kale and spinach are best for firming of the skin. These two veggies contain more of those great antioxidants that your body needs to fight all kinds of cell damage. Spinach is full of beta-carotene and lutein. These are two nutrients that have been shown to improve skin elasticity, according to a study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. Three cups a week is recommended of either or both combined. Cold water fish are said to be best for reducing redness. Sardines, salmon, and mackerel contain vital omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients strengthen skin-cell membranes and help hold moisture in. Consuming two servings of fish a week is recommended. This can reduce chronic skin inflammations, such as eczema and psoriasis. A word of caution here: it is not recommended to consume more than six 6-ounce portions per week to avoid mercury contamination. Green Tea is recommended to reduce or diminish brown spots. More antioxidants are responsible for preventing sun damage and can reverse the signs of aging. At least one cup per day is recommended especially if you'd like to see an improvement in as little as one month. Watermelon - It is recommended that you eat one to two cups per week for a dewy complexion. Vitamin C plus lycopene and potassium are responsible for balancing the water and nutrients in the cells. Olive Oil gives you a healthy glow. Olive oil has long been known to be a healthy fat, providing omega 3 essential fatty acids. These are heart healthy fats that improve circulation and leave skin rosy and supply. The recommended daily requirement is one tablespoon per day.

A diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies will also naturally benefit your body and overall general health. Great natural anti-aging skin care and good health...sounds like a win - win situation to me.

Effective Skin Care Anti Wrinkle Cream - Discover an Ingredient That Makes All the Difference

When it comes to skin care anti wrinkle cream may be the best choice. And not only for older people. There are new anti wrinkle creams and lotion that you can share with your younger friends, if you want. They are perfectly safe and healthy.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, after all, so why not let the younger crowd in on beauty secrets that can protect them from wrinkles, fine lines, sagging and dryness. Until today, there was no skin care anti wrinkle cream that was safe and effective for all age groups and both sexes.

Now we have anti wrinkle creams and lotion that are so safe you could eat them and so effective that you might be able to forgo those injections you were saving for. The main ingredient in the best of the best is Functional Keratin.

It was made by the through a patented process that allows the amino acid protein peptide complex to remain active. You may recognize keratin as a common ingredient in lotions for moisturizing and healing.

But, in most skincare products, the keratin is derived from hooves and horns. It is denaturalized in a process that involves the use of high temperatures, so there is no way for the peptides to remain active.

Some manufacturers add petrolatum to the mix, which is actually a self-defeating ingredient when it comes to skin care anti wrinkle cream. When used on a regular basis, petrolatum actually slows down and inhibits the natural rejuvenation process that we need for healthier and younger looking skin.

Functional Keratin is different. The manufacturing method used is gentler, so the peptides remain active and fully available for use by the skin's cells and fibers. The keratin is extracted from the wool of New Zealand sheep. Only selected farmers are trusted to supply the wool to ensure premium quality.

It's completely safe for people young and old, because keratin is a protein that is found in the outermost of the skin's layers, the layer that doctors call the epidermis. Anti wrinkle creams and lotion that contains Functional Keratin do several things.

First, if you are older, you will see an immediate difference because the compound is something like "liquid skin". Light rays bounce off of the translucent layer that it creates, so it appears that wrinkles have been "filled in" and are much less noticeable.

That's a common tactic used in anti wrinkle creams and lotion, but in most cases that's all they do. Functional Keratin continues by stimulating collagen and elastin production.

We start losing elasticity as we age, because our body's stop producing collagen. Collagen injections do not actually replace what we have lost, they simply "plump up" the deep fatty tissue layers and "stretch out wrinkles".

There are some anti wrinkle creams and lotion that actually include a little collagen, but it's not compatible with human collagen, so it really does nothing. If you read some product reviews, you'll see that most people are unhappy.

If you want to be happy, look for skin care anti wrinkle cream that contains safe and effective ingredients like Functional Keratin. And, share the news with your friends.

William Leonard is writing expertly on skin care and skin care products from his web site Click there now to read more about skin care and see his recommendation for skin care anti wrinkle cream that works.

Skin Care - Anti-Aging Tips

Age has numerous effects on the human body. It is a process that none of us can escape and, despite the tremendous advances in sciences over the last few centuries, it does not look like we will overcome the bane of aging any time soon. There are inevitable changes that our body will go through as we age. Our bones and muscles get weaker. Our eyesight is affected and our ability to hear is diminished. Internally, our circulatory system and nervous system give way due to decades of wear and tear. Most of these changes are permanent and irreversible. At least for now, science has not found a way to counter these effects. Science has, however, found ways to address the outward consequences of aging, namely wrinkling and dulling of the skin.

There is a wide array of products available that mitigate the effects of aging on our skin. One of the primary causes of low skin quality as we age is the slowing down of the production of a skin protein called collagen. Along with the poor production of another skin protein, called elastin (which gives skin its elastic quality); the lack of collagen makes the skin less flexible. A visible result is the formation of wrinkles. The skin also dulls out because the dead skin is not replaced quickly enough by new skin (i.e. exfoliated). Skincare products that address the issue of aging, therefore, have to address these intricacies in order to be effective.

Anti-aging creams contain a variety of artificial ingredients that counter the effects of decreased skin quality. A concoction of amino acids discovered by a man who eventually went on to win the Nobel Prize, called Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) stimulates collagen production. By helping to increase the collagen and elastin production, skin elasticity is improved and wrinkles are visibly reduced. A host of other chemicals like AHA and Retinol are used as well, performing a wide range of tasks from promoting exfoliation of dead skin cells to protecting against damage by UV-rays.

Collagen and elastin are particularly depleted in and around the eye area. The skin surrounding the eye is amongst the thinnest skin in the entire human body (and also moved the most) and, therefore, it is most susceptible to wrinkling. There are anti-aging creams specifically developed for this type of skin. They usually have a high moisturizer content to help hydrate the skin in this area adequately. Creams such as this are cheap yet effective alternatives to the other anti-aging therapies such as botox injections and plastic surgery. Although these remedies too are chemical-based and are not natural, they are far less invasive then, say, plastic surgery and provide a safe way to counter the effects of aging. The best way to fight aging is to engage you in anti-aging activities such as exercising every day and eating a proper diet. Such activities form a sustainable and holistic response to aging. However, for those of us that want or need quick results, anti-aging creams are a safe solution.

Skin Care Anti Aging and Wrinkle - Dealing With Causes of Skin Wrinkles

Perhaps you never knew this, but your skin never expands evenly, and like it or not, this is one of the major reasons why it wrinkles. One of the ways by which anti-wrinkle cream can work for you is to smoothen out the lines so that this expansion becomes possible. But they do not all work this way, and you might need some specialized assistance to make it work.

The major factor that causes your skin to wrinkle is old age. With all the troubles that you have been through the course of your life, it is only to be expected. However, rather than succumb to life and its pressures and letting them leave telltale signs all over you features, you can choose to take a stand. Take that stand with anti-wrinkle, something to help you erase the bitterness of life from your face.

Some people prefer to wear their scars and wrinkles as life's trophies that they have won going through it. But we don't all look at life that way. Some of us would rather forget the pains of the past, as well as the scars that they have left on our features. Why else would you say is the reason anti-wrinkle sells so well in America? No one wants to remember; we all want to forget.

Hence, dealing with the causes of skin wrinkle can be carried out with anti wrinkle skin creams recommended by a qualified dermatologist or esthetician. Moreover, you can read articles about anti wrinkle from some good websites you can assess online.

Try a great anti-wrinkle cream by Swiss Med - Swiss Med Collagen Cream contains vitamin A, C and E as well as antioxidants!  ($65 at

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Teenage Twi-Hards with blemishes are likely already on an antiaging skin care regimen, says Jeffrey Dover, MD, president of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and author of The Youth Equation: Take 10 Years Off Your Face: “Prescription retinoid creams were originally developed as acne treatments, but subsequently it was discovered that they also helped reverse sun damage and skin aging.”

Prescription retinoids, which are vitamin A derivatives, work by exfoliating the top layer of skin and stimulating collagen production in the lower levels. Though in rare instances they can cause irritation, Dover says they work well—and quickly—with most skin types (“you’ll see improved smoothness and brightness within weeks”).

Since they increase sun sensitivity, Dover says to apply prescription retinoid products only before bedtime. In the morning, however, he says you can supplement your antiaging routine by using a moisturizer or serum that contains amino-peptides, botanicals, and/or growth factors (fruit cell extracts that mimic human embryonic stem cells)such as PHYTO STAMINAL + caviar & retinol beauty enhancer concentrate serum (

Friday, July 16, 2010

Why should you Exfoliate???

The Importance Of Skin Exfoliation

Physical or chemical exfoliation? Learn the difference and why exfoliation is so necessary.

What Is Skin Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is defined as the removal of surface dry skin cells.

How Do I Know If I Need To Exfoliate?

A simple test you can do at home to see if you have surface dry skin cells on your skin is to take a piece of clear tape and apply it to the forehead. Rub it gently and remove. Look at the tape, and if there are little pieces of flaky skin, then you need to exfoliate!

Why Is Exfoliation Important?

Exfoliation is considered one of the most important techniques that you can perform on your skin to resolve certain skin problems as well as to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

What Skin Care Problems Does Exfoliation Resolve?
Blemished skin

Exfoliation should be the main focus of a homecare program. So often, we are told to dry out the skin with harsh acne products. Although this will destroy acne-causing bacteria, it tends to dry out the skin, and this usually results in not only irritated skin but also in future breakouts. Why? Because as you over-dry the skin, you create surface dry skin cell buildup. This then acts as a barrier to trap oil in the skin, thereby starting a cycle of new breakouts. A product like one from Bioline containing AHA's will keep this from happening...Primaluce AHA wash is amazing!! (

Post-breakout red/dark marks

Often, the real concern is not so much the actual blemishes, but rather the red, dark marks that remain on the skin long after the breakout has healed. The key to fading those post-breakout marks is to increase your exfoliation. The more you remove the surface damaged skin tissue, the more you are ridding the skin of the dark marks and encouraging the formation of new healthy (non-scarred) skin tissue. The result is more even-toned skin with less scarring.

Clogged pores

Clogged pores aren't infected blemishes, but rather blackheads, small whiteheads, and little clogged bumps on the skin, often on the forehead. The same rules apply as with blemished skins. The more you remove surface dry skin cells (usually caused by using harsh, drying products), the less oil will stay trapped and congested in the pores.


These are the brown spots that come from age, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and genetics. These spots tend to become more apparent and darker as the skin ages. Exfoliation is beneficial for breaking up the pigmented cells to allow them to fade. Combined with a skin lightening agent, such as Vitamin C or Hydroquinone (available OTC or by prescription), exfoliation will help accelerate the fading process.

Dry skin

Especially in the winter, exfoliation is very important. So often when the skin is dry, we tend to load up on heavier creams to compensate for the dryness. But dry skin means you have dry skin cell buildup. And the more you layer on the heavier creams, the more you are trying to re-hydrate dry skin cells, which makes no sense! Instead, increase your exfoliation to remove the dry skin cells, and then moisturize the new skin cells, resulting in a moister skin.

Those who desire smoother skin

One way to instantly smooth the skin is to exfoliate! When you rid the skin of the surface dry skin cells, you create a smoother appearance.

Those concerned about anti-aging

The skin's natural exfoliation process slows as the skin ages, resulting in an accumulation of dry skin cells. As you increase your exfoliation, you are tricking the skin into acting young again.

How Often Should One Exfoliate?

There are two types of exfoliants. First, a "chemical" or "acid" exfoliant does the work for you. You apply it, leave it on the skin, and it works to dissolve the dry skin cells. These exfoliants include ingredients such as Glycolic Acid, AHAs and BHA, and enzymes such as Pumpkin, Papaya, and Pineapple.

For most skin types, this would be a mild alcohol-free Glycolic Acid Serum or AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) used under a night cream for seven nights on, seven nights off. This way, you're still getting an intensive exfoliation, but you also give your skin a break. You'd combine this with a very mild facial scrub twice a week to lift off and remove the dissolved skin cells.

For sensitive skin, we suggest using the enzymes instead of the acids, as these tend to be gentler on delicate skins.

For severely sun damaged skin, a prescription Retinol is effective because it exfoliates more deeply in the skin.

To find out which exfoliants are best for your skin, check out www.

How Does A Person Know If They Are Getting Too Much Exfoliation?

If you use a facial scrub and your skin turns bright red and feels irritated afterwards, it probably means that the grains used in the scrub are too large. We suggest avoiding natural scrubs. These grains have sharp edges that can lacerate the skin. Look for micro-beadlets, as they will roll across the skin and not cause irritation. If you are using chemical exfoliants and your skin starts to dry out, you may be removing too much of the skin's protective barrier, letting out much-needed moisture.

Which Professional Salon Exfoliating Treatments Are Beneficial?

Many skin care spas offer chemical peels, and enzyme peels to give your skin a more intensive exfoliation than you can do at home.

Here's The Bottom Line

The goal with your skin is to exfoliate as much as possible, with minimal irritation. The skin likes little boosts but not on an everyday basis.

Which products are right for your skin? Check with your esthetician or check out ( to see what is right for you!

For some amazing products for your skin check out this website:
Do you ever wonder if that mole is ok? Is it normal or not? This website has all kinds of information as well as pictures. A great resource! Take a peek...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Custom Search

Moles on the Face - What do they Mean?

I discovered this article about moles on the face. I was actually looking for pictures to show people for moles to be aware of as far as skin cancer. This was a neat article about what the moles mean as far as your life! Kind of funny! Check it out! Either click link or read after the link....

Meaning of Moles on the Face:If the mole happens to appear on the forehead area, it signifies happiness for males. For females, such moles on the face signify happiness in marriage. A mole that is seen on the right side of the forehead signifies a person with exceptional qualities! Experts claim that he/she is sure to have a very successful life in that case. A mole on the left side indicates a person with great strength and determination. This person would also be extravagant in nature. A mole on the cheek, towards your lip area, indicates you would have plenty of fun and laughter in your life. It can also indicate you will achieve loads of fame as well. A mole, which is on the cheek, closer to your ear, is said to indicate fame and fortune at a very young age. You are bound to prosper but you need to be careful about your future life and secure for the same. Moles on the right cheek indicate a person who has an attractive persona but is flirtatious as well. A mole on the left cheek suggests a person who is a very focused person in life. Moles on both the cheeks indicate somebody who needs to put in more effort and hard work to achieve success in life.Moles under the eyebrows also signify certain things. Moles under the right eyebrow indicate an individual with an outgoing personality and also a person who can fight all odds. Moles under the left eyebrow indicate a high level of intelligence and a person who is blessed with creative skills as well. People with moles under their left eyebrow also need to follow their instincts to make a successful living that is accompanied with wealth. Moles on the upper area of the lips suggest a person with a very strong attitude and a very goal driven person. It also suggests a certain amount of generosity as well. Moles seen on the lower lip area indicate a slightly reserved person. Such an individual may tend to be very quiet in nature with a clear focus on his/her goals. A mole on the chin would indicate a person who tends to devour food more than necessary! A mole on the lower portion of the chin indicates a person who loves to be on the move and has a thirst for adventure.A mole on the ear indicates a person who is considerate and also has a streak of luck. A mole on the right side of the nose means a person who loves to travel with a passion for nature. Moles on the left side of the nose indicate a person who can adapt easily to different surroundings. The meaning of moles on the face is basically not an accurate way to gauge the nature of a person. All this is only indicative and cannot be considered the final verdict about the nature of any person.

What does your skin need?

Being a spa owner, I am always searching for something new. The newest innovation is Plant Skin Cells. They've actually found these cells (derived from an apple tree) that can act like 'young' cells to stimulate collagen and elastin fibres! No kidding! There is a company by the name of Bioline that has discovered this secret and created a serum to use around the mouth (one of the first places to see lines) and all over the eye lid and underneath. Helps with dehydration, dark circles....contains caviar and retinol. Everything you should look for! I am so excited by this and have already seen results. Cool!

Check out this site for more details on the products!

One should never forget, especially this time of the year, that sunscreen is a must! SPF of 25 at least! Nothing is worse than sun exposure for dark spots and pigmentation on the skin. Not to mention your risk of skin cancer. Got to really be careful of the Ozone now - so even if its not sunny - wear sunscreen and a hat!! And of course sunglasses to protect those retinas!!

Cheers everyone!